Installing Magento on Heart Internet Shared Server

Caveat 1

These are my own notes for my install procedures. I’m posting them here as a reminder to myself.  If they’re any use to you then all the better.

Caveat 2

I read that Heart Internet do not suggest that Magento is installed the shared server because it’s too CPU hungry.  I’ll give it a go with this latest version but may have to shift to a dedicated server to ensure performance. (Updated 2012 – Heart have since upgraded their shared servers and there seems to be no CPU problems now – although response times still may be a little slow)


To install the files you can upload the zip file to the folder you require and using the Heart Internet Control Panel File Manager – right click the zip file to unzip it.

When I searched the Magento forums for information a chap called Jeremy had already written these notes below.  I’ve amended them slightly for my purposes.  Kudos to him for writing them down and sharing.  I’m doing the same here so I never lose them!

Heart Internet are a shared hosting provider in the UK ( I’ve been using them now for around 3 years and can thoroughly recommend them.

These are the steps to a (hopefully!) successful install:

  1. download the latest version of magento from . I used Full Release Ver
  2. follow the instructions in
  3. Check system requirements – Heart Internet have all the relevant versions and extensions installed so no problem there.
  4. Transfer the zip file to your site and unzip them using the Heart Internet Control Panel File Manager – right click the zip file to unzip it.  If you want the site in your root domain then unzip the file into the public_html directory.
  5. Create a brand new mySQL database within the HI control panel. During the magento install wizard you’ll need the host (localhost), user id, password and db name (probably the same as the user id but can be checked by editing the db in control panel).
  6. Contact Heart Internet Support Team (by rasing a ticket) and ask them to allow “CREATE TEMP TABLE” permissions on your database.  Heart stop this by default for security reasons
  7. Set the following permissions against the install files.

They are reproduced below:
In your FTP program (I use Filezilla) you right click on the remote file and hit properties, you can then change the permissions of each file or directory (other ftp programs will be similar).

Permission 777 for;
file /public_html/magento/var/.htaccess,
(and all folders under media)

Permission 755 for; file
the magento directory (e.g. /public_html/magento/ or /public_html

  • Edit the file /public_html/magento/.htaccess and add the following:

## For heart internet
php_flag short_open_tag on

  • Create a new text file within /public_html/magento/ called php5.ini
    put the following in this file:

php_flag short_open_tag on

  • If you want to install the demo store data then you should now load in the SQL statements in against the MySQL database – before the installation process

Double check everything then click on your page and you should see the installation wizard.

It’s pretty obvious from there on, just enter the db details and localisation etc…

Installing a Magento Theme

Now I want to install the Modern Theme.

I go to the Admin menu. 

Choose Magento Connect and look up the free theme – “Modern Theme”.

You’ll them need to get the extension key magento-core/Interface_Frontend_Default_Modern (it’s free).

Choose System / Configuration / General / Design

Set the following:

Templates : default

Themes : modern

Now when you look at your store you’ll see the the new theme but probably still in the wrong format.  This is because you’ll need to edit the Front Page makeup in the CMS section.

The Modern theme needs just the 1 column Home Page enabled.  Go to the CMS menu, select the Pages option, then the Home Page 2 Column with right bar and choose the disable option and save it.  Then choose the Home Page 1 Column option and “Enable” then save it.

The Modern Theme should now be fully active.

Note : Because I tried to enter the demo data after the shop was configured I got an error – but the error was surpressed with the message Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

To reset that I changed the file errors/local.xml.sample to local.xml.

Dave Walker
Dave Walker is a middle aged programmer living in North Yorkshire, who loves music and used to enjoy constantly restarting fitness regimes with a bit of football, cycling, swimming & jogging. Now I just eat biscuits.

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