Dave Walker Google search improved

Well since my last post about losing our status under Google search for “Dave Walker” I tweaked the website theme in WordPress and we’re again found on the first page in the UK.

Now that our WordPress theme is up and running properly, content should once more be king,  so we’ll now target my home town of Malton, North Yorkshire.

Googling “Malton” on its own brings up many of the local business websites but Solar Polar doesn’t score highly at all and neither it should.  I think by blogging about myself and the town goings on we can start to score in the top 5 pages within the month.

My aim therefore is to blog something everyday, and also fill up my portfolio page with some details to keep scoring high on both counts.

Dave Walker
Dave Walker is a middle aged programmer living in North Yorkshire, who loves music and used to enjoy constantly restarting fitness regimes with a bit of football, cycling, swimming & jogging. Now I just eat biscuits.

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