It’s almost a week since knee surgery and I’m almost off crutches. I’ve got a regular plan of exercises to do and because there’s still a bit of swelling, I should be icing it every 2 hours.
The NHS sent me to the private Nuffield hosptial in York and everything went well, except that I had to stay over on the Wednesday night. One bonus was a full cooked breakfast on the Thursday.
My view at ridiculous o’clock on Thursday morning.

I must thank all the staff at the Nuffield. They were all lovely, and I’ve since returned to start my physiotherapy sessions.
Now that I’m back home my awesome wife has been looking after me. She’s been wonderous!
The crutches are being dumped and I’m trying to get back to walking properly by bending my knee, but it’s difficult especially with what feels like very tight hamstring area where the graft was taken from. The physio warned me that a “snapping” feeling may come soon and that it would actually be the breakup of scar tissue in the hamstring area – not my knee popping again!
When it comes to diet I’ve been pretty awful. Today is the day I’m gonna start being strict with myself and log my intake with MyFitnessPal. If I’m to get to any kind of fitness in the next 12 weeks then losing a stone would help a lot.